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How to Lose Hip Fat Fast? Best Exercises and Diet Tips for Faster Results

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Pelvic Pain in Early Pregnancy

Pelvic pain in early pregnancy (1)

Pelvic Pain in Early Pregnancy


If you’re feeling pelvic pain in early pregnancy and worried about it, this article will explain that this is a painful place experienced by not just you but many other pregnant women. Sometimes pelvic pain does not mean there’s a problem. We at Physio Resource (Best Physiotherapy Clinic of Lahore) help women throughout pregnancy to safely manage pain under expert physiotherapy care. Learn what is normal and what is not? A look at some common causes of pelvic discomfort during the early pregnancy stage and how you can decrease that pain!

Common Causes of Pelvic Pain in Early Pregnancy

🔹Implantation Pain

Some women experience mild cramping at the time of implantation, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus; around 6 to 12 days post-conception. This is often confused with the start of a menstrual period.

🔹Hormonal Changes

Relaxin and progesterone, hormones produced during pregnancy, loosen ligaments and joints in preparation for childbirth. This may cause pain or discomfort in the pelvic area.

🔹Round Ligament Pain

As the uterus grows, these round ligaments supporting the uterus stretch, giving rise to sharp or pulling pains, especially during quickening movements.

 🔹Gas and Bloating

The hormonal change during pregnancy slows digestion, allowing gas to build up, bloating, and pelvic pain.

🔹Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

UTIs are among the more common ailments experienced by pregnant women, producing pelvic pain, burning during urination, and the urge to urinate frequently.


Pregnancy hormones tend to slow digestion mechanisms that cause constipation, which could then lead to cramping and pelvic discomfort.

🔹 An Ectopic Pregnancy (Serious Condition)

If the pelvic pain is notable and associated with shoulder pain, dizziness, or heavy bleeding, an ectopic pregnancy must be considered as a potential diagnosis. This remains a true emergency requiring immediate medical attention.

Also, Know: Kinesiology Tape for Pregnancy – A Drug-Free Solution for Pain and Support

  • How To Relieve Pelvic Pain in Early Pregnancy?
  • Good Posture:

 Stop slouching, back straight.

  • Supportive Pillows:

 Use a pregnancy pillow to relieve any pressure from the pelvis.

  • Gentle Exercises:

Pelvic tilts and prenatal stretches are great for easing stiffness.

  • Stay Hydrated:

Adequate fluid intake helps prevent constipation and UTI.

  • Warm Compress:

Apply warmth to the lower abdomen to relieve muscle tightness.

  • Consult With a Physiotherapist:

Continued pain could result in physiotherapy helping with improved movement, thus relieving pain safely.

Schedule your appointment now:

Physio Resource (Best Physiotherapy clinic in Lahore) offers specialized physiotherapy for pregnant women suffering from pelvic pain and restricted mobility. Our qualified best physiotherapists of Lahore use safe and effective techniques that will give you comfort during your pregnancy. Don’t allow pelvic pain to spoil your journey.

Connect today with Physio Resource in Lahore for your tailored physiotherapy treatment and lasting relief!

Contact us

Phone No: 0304-4283442

Address: 14-Ghalib Rd, Block D1, Gullberg III, Lahore

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