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What is 80/20 rule in Physiotherapy?

What is 80/20 rule in Physiotherapy?

Are you wasting 80% of your time on physiotherapy? Did you know that just 20% of the right treatment and exercise contribute to solving 80% of your problems? If you struggle with chronic pain, injury recovery, or rehabilitation, then maybe you are applying too many exercises without making full benefit of those that really matter. …

Can I do Physiotherapy by Myself?

Can I do Physiotherapy by Myself?

Is self-physiotherapy a good idea? Many individuals who have been through pain or injuries will ask, Can I do physiotherapy by myself? It is true that some exercises and stretches can be performed from home, but not all conditions can be treated without professional. Incorrect physiotherapy will worsen your case rather than improve it. Home…

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

A sudden pain in your stomach? Today, I’ll discuss how to get rid of stomach pain in 5 minutes. It can be irritating when stomach pain appears suddenly and can be caused by indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, or cramps. Try advanced, Evidence-based techniques that start working in only five minutes instead of waiting long hours…

Muscle Tightness and Joint Stiffness Treatment in Lahore

Muscle Tightness and Joint Stiffness Treatment in Lahore

Muscle Tightness and Joint Stiffness Treatment in Lahore

Muscle tightness and joint stiffness are quite common conditions which can significantly impact your mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. They might be a result of some injury or poor posture or arthritis, or stress, but these complications need proper and effective treatment to regain normal function. Here at Physio Resource (Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Lahore) you can find appropriate physiotherapy solutions according to your individual needs.

What is muscle tightness?

Muscle tightness involves the feeling that the muscles are contracted and thus experience pain, loss of the range of motion, or an inability to carry on daily activities. 

What is joint stiffness? 

Joint Stiffness involves discomfort or pain while trying to move a joint, mainly it results from inflammation or wear-and-tear issues and sometimes from immobility. 

What are the Common Causes Muscle tightness and joint stiffness?

  1. Poor Posture
  2. Prolonged sitting or standing in wrong posture 
  3. Injury or Trauma
  4. Arthritis
  5. Stress and Overuse
  6. Sedentary Lifestyle

Also Read: Muscle Strains Treatment in Lahore

What are the Symptoms of muscle tightness and joint stiffness? 

  1. Pain in the joints or muscles, 
  2. Unable to move easily.
  3. Prolonged ache or feeling unwell
  4. Swelling or redness around the joints.
  5. Reduced flexibility and immobility.
Muscle Tightness and Joints Stiffness Treatment in Lahore at Physio Resource:

At Physio Resource, our team of skilled physiotherapists in Lahore offers the most advanced and evidence-based treatments to alleviate muscle tightness and joint stiffness. The physiotherapist at Physio resource use the following techniques and customize it according to your need to decrease your pain and stiffness.

  1. Manual Therapy
  2. Soft tissue mobilization 
  3. Therapeutic Exercises
  4. Dry Needling
  5. Cupping therapy
  6. Osteopathy
  7. Trigger Point Therapy
  8. Electrotherapy (TENS and EMS)
  9. Myofascial Release
  10. Stretching Programs
  11. Heat and Cold Therapy 
  12. Ultrasound Therapy
  13. Posture Correction
  14. Kineso Taping 
Book an Appointment at Physio Resource Today!

At Physio Resource (Best Physiotherapy Center in Lahore) we provide comprehensive treatment for joint stiffness and muscle tightness using state-of-the-art equipment and qualified professionals. With our accessible location in Lahore, Gullberg, we’re here to help you get high-quality physiotherapy. Contact us right now and start the recovery process!

Contact us

Phone No:  0304-4283442

Address: 14-Ghalib Rd, Block D1, Gullberg III, Lahore

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