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What is 80/20 rule in Physiotherapy?

What is 80/20 rule in Physiotherapy?

Are you wasting 80% of your time on physiotherapy? Did you know that just 20% of the right treatment and exercise contribute to solving 80% of your problems? If you struggle with chronic pain, injury recovery, or rehabilitation, then maybe you are applying too many exercises without making full benefit of those that really matter. …

Can I do Physiotherapy by Myself?

Can I do Physiotherapy by Myself?

Is self-physiotherapy a good idea? Many individuals who have been through pain or injuries will ask, Can I do physiotherapy by myself? It is true that some exercises and stretches can be performed from home, but not all conditions can be treated without professional. Incorrect physiotherapy will worsen your case rather than improve it. Home…

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

A sudden pain in your stomach? Today, I’ll discuss how to get rid of stomach pain in 5 minutes. It can be irritating when stomach pain appears suddenly and can be caused by indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, or cramps. Try advanced, Evidence-based techniques that start working in only five minutes instead of waiting long hours…

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes

How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes?

A sudden pain in your stomach?

Today, I’ll discuss how to get rid of stomach pain in 5 minutes. It can be irritating when stomach pain appears suddenly and can be caused by indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, or cramps. Try advanced, Evidence-based techniques that start working in only five minutes instead of waiting long hours for the pain to go away.

We at the Physio Resource, ( The Best Physiotherapy clinic in Lahore), advanced physiotherapy clinic,
specialize in gut-friendly physiotherapy techniques that reduce abdominal pain and improve
health. Now, let’s explore some of the best techniques to get rid of stomach pain in 5 minutes.

Common causes of Stomach Ache:

Before treating your pain in the stomach, knowledge of the reason for stomach pain can help
to prevent the recurrence of pain.

  1. Indigestion: Too much eating or spicy or greasy foods.
  2. Gas & Bloating: Trapped air in the intestines builds pressure discomfort.
  3. Acid Reflux: Stomach acid enters the esophagus.
  4. Food Intolerance: Lactose or gluten intolerance.
  5. Constipation: When passing stool becomes difficult, causing cramps or pain.
  6. Menstrual Cramps: Commonly happen to women throughout their cycle.
  7. Stress & Anxiety: These can activate stomach discomfort.

Also, Read: Pain in Left Side of Lower Abdomen

How to Get Rid of a Stomach Pain in 5 Minutes:

  1. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS):
    Stimulating the vagus nerve (which is a connection between the brain and gut) can very quickly
    reduce stomach pain through an increase in digestion and a decrease in inflammation.
    o Humming or gargling: for thirty seconds stimulates the vagus nerve and calms the
    digestive system.
    o Cold water splashed across the face: stimulates the nerve and releases pressure
    in the gut.
  2. Acupressure Point Therapy for Stomach Pain:
    Acupressure is a scientifically studied procedure that can activate pain-relief pathways in the
    nervous system.
    o P6 (Nei Guan Point): Located three fingers below the wrist on the inner arm.
    Gentle pressure may be applied for 2 minutes for nausea and distension.
    o CV12 (Zhongwan Point): Centered in the upper middle abdomen. Pressure may
    be applied to relieve indigestion and stomach cramps for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Apply a Warm Compress to Your Stomach:
    Heat application will alleviate immediate cramps.
    o Warm towel or heating pad application to the stomach for 5 minutes.
    o Helpful for cramps, bloating, and indigestion.
  4. Gently Massage the Abdomen:
    Gently massaging circular motions on your stomach area will help stimulate digestion and
    relieve bloating and discomfort.
    o Using your fingertips, massage in a clockwise pattern for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Practice the Knee-to-Chest Stretch:
    Mild stretches will help relieve gas trapped inside and improve digestion.
    ➢ How To Do It:
    o Lie on your back and bring your knees toward your chest.
    o Hold for 30 seconds while breathing deeply.
    o Repeat twice if there is abdominal discomfort.
  6. Try Ginger Tea:
    A Natural Pain Reliever, Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve nausea,
    gas, and bloating.
    o Boil fresh slices of ginger in water for 5 minutes.
    o Drink warm for instant relief of the stomach.
  7. Using Apple Cider Vinegar:
    To Restore Digestion, Apple cider vinegar will help digestion and reduce acid reflux.
    o Mix one tablespoon in a glass of warm water.
    o Drink it before meals to prevent indigestion.
  8. Chew Fennel Seeds:
    A Natural Gas Reliever, Fennel seeds relax the stomach muscles and aid in gas and bloating.
    o Chew ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds or drink fennel tea.
  9. Drink Peppermint Tea:
    It Soothes the Stomach Muscles, Peppermint decreases bloating, nausea, and cramps
    by relaxing the digestive muscles.
    o f there is no peppermint tea available, you may want to inhale some peppermint
    essential oil or apply a few drops on your abdomen.
  10. Drink Warm Lemon Water:
    Warm water mixed with lemon juice will boost digestion, neutralize acidity, and flush out
    any toxins that may be causing your stomach pain.
  11. Yogurt or Probiotics for Digestion:
    Probiotics restore the condition of the gut and protect against recurrent stomach pain.
    o Take plain yogurt with live cultures.
    o Alleviates acidity, bloating, and indigestion.
  12. Cumin Water:
    Cumin water is helpful for the release of a lot of gas, cramps, and indigestion.
    o Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in water.
    o Drink warm to soothe pain in the stomach.
  13. Drink Chamomile Tea To Reduce Stomach Inflammation:
    Chamomile calms the stomach lining, ensuring that nausea & acidity is less.
    o Drink warm chamomile tea to relax your digestive system.
  14. Drink Baking Soda & Warm Water ( if Safe for you):
    The Acid Neutraliser, Savory baking soda is a natural antacid that will help decrease acidity
    and indigestion.
    o Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water
    o Drink slowly to achieve pH balance in the stomach and feel less bloated.
  15. Diaphragmatic or Belly Breathing:
    Alleviates Gas and Bloating, This technique stimulates the digestive organs with oxygen,
    relaxation, and pain relief.
    ➢ How to do it:
    o Lie on your back; place one hand on the stomach and the other on the chest.
    o Draw in a deep breath through the nose while allowing the belly to expand.
    o Then, exhale through the mouth while pulling the stomach muscles inward.
    o This should be practiced for two minutes to relieve any feeling of fullness, gas, or
  16. Try the 5-Minute Deep Breathing Technique:
    Stomach pain can be aggravated by stress and anxiety. Deep breathing can send calm signals
    to your digestive system and relieve cramps.
    o Breathe deeply for 4 seconds
    o Hold your breath for 7 seconds
    o Exhale slowly for 8 seconds
    This technique calms your nervous system, and stomach relief comes next.
  17. Hydration and Rest:
    o Drink warm lemon water to flush out toxins.
    o A comfortable posture helps relax the stomach muscles
How to prevent stomach pain?

Preventive Measures Taken On Stomach Pain – Solutions For The Long Run

  1. Postural Therapy: Good posture when eating or afterward allows the avoidance of acid
  2. Trigger Foods: Avoid, if possible, processed foods, dairy, and caffeine that cause you
  3. Hydrate and Eat Mindfully: Chew food well and keep drinking water regularly.
  4. Consider Physiotherapy for Guts: Natural treatments engage multiple techniques,
    including visceral therapy, NMES, and biofeedback for digestive disorders.
    Physiotherapy Treatment for Stomach Pain in Lahore at Physio Resource:
    We offer advanced physiotherapy techniques at Physio Resource (the Best Physiotherapy clinic
    in Lahore) to manage digestive discomfort naturally. Our qualified therapists provide:
  5. Visceral Manipulation Therapy
  6. Acupressure Point Therapy for Stomach Pain
  7. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
  8. Manual Therapy
  9. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
  10. Relaxation Techniques
  11. Abdominal Massage Therapy
  12. Breathing Exercises
  13. Postural Therapy for Digestion
    Schedule your appointment with Physio Resource:
    If you often suffer from abdominal cramps, make an appointment at Physio Resource (the Best
    Physiotherapy Clinic in Lahore for gut physiotherapy and lifestyle changes to sustain a
    healthy gut. Start your digestive well-being today!

Contact us
Physio Resource
Phone No: 0304-4283442
Address: 14-Ghalib Rd, Block D1 Gullberg III Lahore

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